Book Detail
Atlas of Pediatric EEG
Laoprasert, Pramote
Publisher: The McGraw-Hill Companies
Status: Out of Stock Indefinitely
Imprint: McGraw-Hill Professional
Affiliation: University of Colorado School of Medicine & The Children's Hospital of Denver; Aurora, CO
Dimensions: 8.8 x 1.5 x 11.2 in
Quantity On Hand: 0, No Reprint Date
This atlas is the ONLY book to cover the two most commonly used tests in pediatric neurology: EEG and MRI Includes DVD with almost 200 video clips Atlas of Pediatric EEG offers neurologists and pediatric neurologists a well-illustrated, easy-to-use guide for diagnosing seizure activity. The book features 500 known tracings with correlating MR on the same page. Under each tracing is a full description and diagnosis of what is seen in the tracing and images. These descriptions facilitate learning the pattern recognition skills essential to using EEG. The companion DVD provides correlation between EEG and seizure activity Features Following the classification system of the International League Against Epilepsy, every seizure type and epileptic syndrome is included Includes DVD with almost 200 video clips for correlating siezure activity with EEG, including epileptic syndromes, seizure types, and lateralizing signs in focal epilepsy Correlates MRI, PET and SPECT with EEG activity Content you won't find in any other reference: Normal Electroencephalography, Artifacts, Variants, Focal Nonepileptiform Abnormalities, Generalized Nonepileptiform Abnormalities, Seizures and Epilepsy, Neonatal Electroencephalography, Electroencephalography in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), Electroencephalography in Nonepileptic Neurologic Disease