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R2Library Trial

Set Up Your Free Trial Access to the R2 Library

Sign up now for a 30-day, no obligation trial of R2Library. As a trial account, you and your patrons will have access to the all of the features, functionality and content of the R2Library. Access to content will be all resources at a 3 concurrent user level. 


When you set up your trial, you will be asked to complete a profile for your institution, including the Internet Protocol (IP) range or ranges eligible for access to R2 under the terms of the trial, so be sure to have this ready. 

You will also be asked to set up a password for the administrator within your institution for the R2 Library. 

Access and Authentication 

In your trial profile, there are several ways to customize R2 access and authentication based on your institution’s preferences. You can elect to enable individual user names and passwords or make all access anonymous. Allowing user names and passwords enables individuals to save personal information from session to session. 


You can upload your institution's logo and create a message to be displayed on the home page within the admin tool. 

Move Your Library Beyond Your Bookshelves 

Getting started is easy, please provide your email information 

Free Trials are only offered to Library Partners. Please contact us for more details.

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